3D Printing Materials for
Prototyping and Product Design

Clear, White, Grey, and Black Resin Models Picture taken by Formlabs
Standard Resins
Used for strong, intricate prototype models. Great for high precision and detailed applications. Offers a smooth surface finish and reliable base for additional finishing processes such as painting or coating.

Prototype Bicycle Helmet, Speaker, and Machine Component Picture taken by Formlabs
Draft Resin
Perfect for creating rapid 3D concepts and preliminary prototypes. Lower resolution capability allows for significantly reduced processing times and faster turn-around on model iterations.

Prototype Funnel Made From High Temp Resin Picture taken by Formlabs
High Temp Resin
Provides a heat deflection temperature (HDT) of 238 °C @ 0.45 MPa. Ideal for hot air, gas, and fluid flow applications, as well as, heat resistant mounts, housings, and fixtures.

Grey Pro Resin
Suitable for high precision concept models. Moderate elongation and other material properties make it ideal for cyclic loading and repetitive motion applications. Also appropriate for form and fit testing, injection molded products, mold masters, jigs, and fixtures.
Fixture Mount Made From Grey Pro Resin Picture taken by Formlabs

Rigid 10K Resin
Offers a high thermal and chemical resistance as well as a high stiffness factor. Ideal for fluid exposed components, jigs, and fixtures. Also great for aerodynamic test models, short-run injection mold masters, and inserts.
Aerodynamics Models and Components made from 10K Resin Picture taken by Formlabs

Rigid 4000 Resin
Provides smooth and polished surface finish. The stiffness is comparable to PEEK material. Minimal deflection and strong properties make this resin ideal for general load-bearing applications such as mounts, brackets, thin-walled parts, jigs, and fixtures.
Prototype Fan, Mount, and Fixture Printed in Rigid 4000 Resin Picture taken by Formlabs

Tough 2000 Resin
Comparable to the strength and stiffness of ABS. Ideal applications include, prototypes, jigs, and fixtures.
Prototype Components Made from Tough 2000 Resin Picture taken by Formlabs

Tough 1500 Resin
Strength and stiffness properties are comparable to polypropylene. Parts are rigid with the flexibility to bend and spring back. Applicable for jigs and fixtures that undergo cyclic loading and deflection.
Prototype Components Made from Tough 1500 Resin Picture taken by Formlabs

Durable Resin
Comparable to the strength and stiffness of polyethylene (PE). The flexible and high impact resistant material properties make it ideal for compressible and low-friction applications. Suitable for jigs and fixtures.
Spray Bottle Made from Durable Resin Picture taken by Formlabs

Flexible 80A Resin
Similar elastic properties to rubber and TPU. Components can withstand extensive bending, flexing, and compressing. Ideal for numerous applications, some including handles, grips, seals and gaskets.
Prototype Components Made from Flexible 80A Resin Picture taken by Formlabs

Elastic 50A Resin
Offers very high elastic properties, similar to silicone. These parts can withstand significant bending, stretching, compressing, and cyclic loading without tearing.
Prototype Components Made from Elastic 50A Resin Picture taken by Formlabs